Raising awareness on safe and regular migration is one of the pillars of the Joint Initiative. Its aim is not only to inform audiences about the risks of irregular migration but also to provide information on regular migration options and to promote social cohesion between returned migrants and their communities, and current migrants and their host communities.

In partnership with the European Union, IOM’s awareness raising activities seek to build an environment where information can be more easily shared and accepted. One of IOM’s strengths lies in its relations with returnees, local leaders and community members. These relationships are based on trust and listening and have solidified over the years through the participatory approach adopted by IOM. Returned migrants, through their experiences, bring a real dimension to awareness raising. Local leaders support activities by building trust to facilitate two-way communication. Communities are directly involved as key players in both the design and implementation of activities.

IOM’s awareness raising activities are designed for specific audiences, including young people considering migration. Awareness raising activities are built around four key elements: people, innovation, inclusivity and partnership.  

Useful links
EU-IOM Joint Initiative Brochure