Building on previous interventions, national, regional or multi-country capacity building activities allow knowledge sharing and exchange on specific areas of common interest and concern such as protection, assistance for migrants in vulnerable situations (e.g. unaccompanied or separated migrant children; migrants with health-related needs). Based on the needs identified and in coordination with relevant national authorities and/or civil society of relevant countries, regional training and workshop will be organized on topics to be jointly defined ensuring synergies with the protection group within the Migration Dialogue for West Africa (MIDWA) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
Facilitating access to consular services for stranded and vulnerable migrants is an essential step in the voluntary return process and has long been a priority issue for IOM. Currently, the vast majority of migrants seeking IOM support to return to their countries of origin from transit and destination countries in Africa do not have valid travel documents (c. 60% of migrants in Niger and more than 90% of migrants assisted in Libya).
The EU-IOM Joint Initiative is working in the immediate term to support governments to ensure timely and wider geographic access to basic consular services for migrants in need. This may include providing technical and financial support for consular missions, basic equipment, the shipment of documents, or the facilitation of video-calls.
In the longer term, the objective is to support interested governments to enhance procedures for identification and travel document issuance. In that regard, the EU-IOM Joint Initiative is available to review existent consular procedures and/or development of SOPs and facilitate dialogue and exchange between countries to exchange good practice and enhance cooperation for the issuance of travel documents.
Target countries may request specific support for these actions.